Norvegija-Molde: Suaugusiųjų ir kito mokymo paslaugos

Norvegija-Molde: Suaugusiųjų ir kito mokymo paslaugos

I dalis: Perkančioji organizacija

    I.1) Pavadinimas ir adresai:

      Oficialus pavadinimas: Møre og Romsdal Fylkeskommune
      Adresas: Fylkeshuset
      Miestas: MOLDE
      Pašto kodas: 6404
      Šalis: Norvegija
      Asmuo ryšiams: Charlotte Bolsø Engelund
      Interneto adresas (-ai):
      Pirkėjo profilio adresas:

II dalis: Objektas

    II.1.1) Pavadinimas:

      2023-011 OT course - the road to education or work
      Nuorodos numeris: 2023/011

    II.1.2) Pagrindinis BVPŽ kodas:

      80400000 Suaugusiųjų ir kito mokymo paslaugos ;

    II.1.3) Sutarties tipas:


    II.1.4) Trumpas aprašymas:

      Møre og Romsdal County has a follow-up service (OT) in accordance with the Education Act § 3-6. The service is for youths aged 16 -21 years (can be changed with the new Education Act), who have a right to sixth form education, but who, for different reasons, are not in education or work. We would like to have a course for youths that are in OT. The course must build on the general part of the curriculum.
      The assignment is to run the course for the contracting authority in one or more of the relevant regions, cf. point 1.1.
      See the Assignment Description (Annex 2) and the Requirements Specification (Annex 3) for further information on the assignment.

    II.2) Aprašymas:

    II.2.1) Kitas (-i) šio pirkimo BVPŽ kodas (-ai):

      80400000 Suaugusiųjų ir kito mokymo paslaugos
      80521000 Mokomųjų programų paslaugos
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