Danija – Laboratorinė, optinė ir precizinė įranga (išskyrus akinius) – Negotiated procedure of Explosive Detection Systems for Cabin Baggage (EDSCB) for Billund Lufthavn A/S
Danija – Laboratorinė, optinė ir precizinė įranga (išskyrus akinius) – Negotiated procedure of Explosive Detection Systems for Cabin Baggage (EDSCB) for Billund Lufthavn A/S
I dalis: Perkančioji organizacija
I.1) Pavadinimas ir adresai:
pavadinimas: Billund Lufthavn A/S
Adresas: Passagerterminalen 10
Miestas: Billund
kodas: 7190
Šalis: Danija
El-paštas: kontakt@tohv.dk
Interneto adresas (-ai):
II dalis: Objektas
II.1.1) Pavadinimas:
Negotiated procedure of Explosive Detection Systems for Cabin Baggage (EDSCB) for Billund Lufthavn A/S
Nuorodos numeris: Negotiated procedure of Explosive Detection Systems for Cabin Baggage (EDSCB) for Billund Lufthavn A/S
II.1.2) Pagrindinis BVPŽ kodas:
Bagažo tikrinimo įrenginiai
II.1.3) Sutarties tipas:
II.1.4) Trumpas aprašymas:
The Contracting Authority wishes to conclude the Agreement with one (1) Contractor for delivery and possible service agreement of three (3) explosive detection systems for cabin baggage (herein referred to as EDSCB).
This invitation to tender concerns a replacement of three (3) of the Contracting Authority’s existing EDSCB’s in accordance with EU standards for security in European Airport. The Contracting Authority intends to invest in three (3) new EU/ECAC std C3 approved EDSCB Scanners in its security check point of cabin and carry-on baggage, with an option for additionally up to three (3) more EDSCB, cf. section 1.5.4.
The tender regards a contract on the delivery, installation and integration of three (3) EDSCB including all necessary hardware, software etc. needed for full and fault-free functionality.
Furthermore, the tender regards an option for a service agreement of up to five (5) years after the initial two (2) years warranty period.
The new EDSCBs are to be integrated in existing security lanes by the Supplier, and to the extent possible to the Contracting Authority’s existing remote screening solutions. For a more detailed description of the existing technical environment at Billund Airport and minimum requirements for the EDSCB, please refer to Contract Appendix 1 – General descriptions, minimum requirements and competitive parameters, and Contract Appendix 4 – Drawings.
II.2) Aprašymas:
II.2.1) Kitas (-i) šio pirkimo BVPŽ kodas (-ai):
38000000 Laboratorinė, optinė ir precizinė įranga (išskyrus akinius)
38581000 Bagažo tikrinimo įrenginiai