Ketvirtadienis, gruodžio 12 d.

Norvegija – Vairavimo mokyklų paslaugos – Theory course driving licence class C to students at the Fire and Rescue SchoolBRSK (framework agreement)

Norvegija – Vairavimo mokyklų paslaugos – Theory course driving licence class C to students at the Fire and Rescue SchoolBRSK (framework agreement)

I dalis: Perkančioji organizacija

    I.1) Pavadinimas ir adresai:

      Oficialus pavadinimas: Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap (DSB)
      Adresas: Rambergveien 9
      Miestas: TØNSBERG
      Pašto kodas: 3115
      Šalis: Norvegija
      Asmuo ryšiams:
      Interneto adresas (-ai):
      Pagrindinis adresas:

II dalis: Objektas

    II.1.1) Pavadinimas:

      Theory course driving licence class C to students at the Fire and Rescue SchoolBRSK (framework agreement)
      Nuorodos numeris: 2024/13763

    II.1.2) Pagrindinis BVPŽ kodas:

      80411000 Vairavimo mokyklų paslaugos ;

    II.1.3) Sutarties tipas:


    II.1.4) Trumpas aprašymas:

      The Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB) shall procure and establish a framework agreement for the procurement of theoretical driving training for driving licence class C to students at the Fire and Rescue School (BRSK), including students who started their studies from and including August 2024, and who start their studies during the contract period (80 students per admission, i.e. 160 students per year).

    II.2) Aprašymas:

    II.2.1) Kitas (-i) šio pirkimo BVPŽ kodas (-ai):

      80411000 Vairavimo mokyklų paslaugos
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