Danija – Poilsio, kultūros ir sporto paslaugos – Viešieji pirkimai dėl žiniasklaidos turinio naujoms Danijos gamtos istorijos muziejaus galerijoms
Danija – Poilsio, kultūros ir sporto paslaugos – Viešieji pirkimai dėl žiniasklaidos turinio naujoms Danijos gamtos istorijos muziejaus galerijoms
I dalis: Perkančioji organizacija
I.1) Pavadinimas ir adresai:
pavadinimas: The University of Copenhagen - The Natural History Museum of Denmark
Adresas: Gothersgade 130
Miestas: København K
kodas: 1123
Šalis: Danija
El-paštas: elin.gislason@snm.ku.dk
Interneto adresas (-ai): Pagrindinis adresas: https://snm.ku.dk/
II dalis: Objektas
II.1.1) Pavadinimas:
Public procurement regarding media content for the new museum galleries at Natural History Museum of Denmark
Nuorodos numeris: 2024/19
II.1.2) Pagrindinis BVPŽ kodas:
IT paslaugos: konsultavimas, programinės įrangos kūrimas, internetas ir aptarnavimo paslaugos
II.1.3) Sutarties tipas:
II.1.4) Trumpas aprašymas:
This procurement procedure regards a contract for P4 Media Content. It concerns the design, production, delivery and on-site installation of media content, including software, interactives, film and animations, to the Natural History Museum of Denmark ('NHMD'). The media content must be installed, integrated, implemented, executed and/or run on the AV System in connection with presentations, exhibitions and interactive elements etc. on the site. An AV hardware system has been designed for NHMD prior to the P4 Media Content Contract and will be implemented, installed and located on site.
The Contractors fee for the performance of the P4 Contract is fixed at DKK 23,000,000.
Furthermore, the contract includes an option for the NHMD to – during the warranty period – request additional support such as maintenance and support.
For a more thorough description of the task to be performed according to the contract, please see the Draft Media Content Services Contract and appendices, including the Scope of Works (Appendix 2).
The NHMD has decided not to - further - divide the P4 Media contract into lots as it is the NHMD’s assessment that a single contract with one contractor will result in the most coherent solution and the best user experience.
II.2) Aprašymas:
II.2.1) Kitas (-i) šio pirkimo BVPŽ kodas (-ai):
92000000 Poilsio, kultūros ir sporto paslaugos
72000000 IT paslaugos: konsultavimas, programinės įrangos kūrimas, internetas ir aptarnavimo paslaugos