Vokietija, VFR-Schenefeld: Transformatoriai

Vokietija, VFR-Schenefeld: Transformatoriai

I dalis: Perkančioji organizacija

    I.1) Pavadinimas ir adresai:

      Oficialus pavadinimas: European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility GmbH
      Adresas: Holzkoppel 4
      Miestas: Schenefeld
      Pašto kodas: 22869
      Šalis: Vokietija, VFR
      Asmuo ryšiams:
      El-paštas: xfel-procurement@xfel.eu
      Interneto adresas (-ai):
      Pagrindinis adresas: www.xfel.eu

II dalis: Objektas

    II.1.1) Pavadinimas:

      Manufacture and supply of DC current transformers

    II.1.2) Pagrindinis BVPŽ kodas:

      31170000 Transformatoriai ;

    II.1.3) Sutarties tipas:


    II.1.4) Trumpas aprašymas:

      Production and delivery of DC current transformers for the XFEL accelerator based on DESY specifications in the following quantites:
      155x 200A Current transformer + 15x 600A Current transformer
      For the respective DC current transformers, the supplier has to supply 5 pieces each of certain components as spare parts.
      The transformers will be used for the extension of the magnetic current supply of the XFEL accelerator. The scope of delivery also includes a spare parts package.
      Detailed information can be found in the document “technical specification”.

    II.2) Aprašymas:

    II.2.1) Kitas (-i) šio pirkimo BVPŽ kodas (-ai):

      31170000 Transformatoriai
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