Danija – Statybos darbai – Pakrančių gamtos ir sportinės žūklės centras, Asenso uostas (sklaida)

Danija – Statybos darbai – Pakrančių gamtos ir sportinės žūklės centras, Asenso uostas (sklaida)

I dalis: Perkančioji organizacija

    I.1) Pavadinimas ir adresai:

      Oficialus pavadinimas: Assens Municipality
      Adresas: Rådhus Allé 5
      Miestas: Assens
      Pašto kodas: 5610
      Šalis: Danija
      Asmuo ryšiams:
      El-paštas: rakc@ramboll.dk
      Interneto adresas (-ai):
      Pagrindinis adresas: https://www.assens.dk/

II dalis: Objektas

    II.1.1) Pavadinimas:

      Centre for Coastal Nature and Sport Fishing, Assens Harbour (dissemination)

    II.1.2) Pagrindinis BVPŽ kodas:

      45000000 Statybos konstrukcinių darbų konsultacinės paslaugos ;

    II.1.3) Sutarties tipas:


    II.1.4) Trumpas aprašymas:

      The present tender concerns the concept proposals for dissemination and experience design at the National Centre for Coastal Nature and Sport Fishing at the Middle Pier at Assens Harbour. The project is tendered as a turnkey contract. The National Centre for Coastal Nature and Sport Fishing will be an experience centre which, through experiences and stories about the sea, coasts, lakes, streams, fish, and angling, will make visitors marvel at life beneath the water surface, and which will make visitors want to try their hand at unique nature experiences. There is a call for a turnkey contractor who can deliver a strong and inspiring concept, thereby creating an attraction of international class. The total economy for the turnkey project amounts to DKK 15,500,000 excl. VAT. An ongoing design competition defines the building framework for the centre, which will have a beautiful location in the transition between the market town (Assens), the coast (Little Belt) and the coastal landscapes (the Funen archipelago). The centre is expected to open spring 2027. Reference is also made to the tender documents, which comprise a detailed description of the project.

    II.2) Aprašymas:

    II.2.1) Kitas (-i) šio pirkimo BVPŽ kodas (-ai):

      45000000 Statybos darbai
      71530000 Statybos konstrukcinių darbų konsultacinės paslaugos
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