Trečiadienis, lapkričio 13 d.

Vokietija – Švietimo ir mokymo paslaugos – 81309651-Supporting the economic inclusion of refugees and host communities in Kirehe District, Rwanda

Vokietija – Švietimo ir mokymo paslaugos – 81309651-Supporting the economic inclusion of refugees and host communities in Kirehe District, Rwanda

I dalis: Perkančioji organizacija

    I.1) Pavadinimas ir adresai:

      Oficialus pavadinimas: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
      Adresas: Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 1 - 5
      Miestas: Eschborn
      Pašto kodas: 65760
      Šalis: Vokietija
      Asmuo ryšiams:
      Interneto adresas (-ai):
      Pagrindinis adresas:

II dalis: Objektas

    II.1.1) Pavadinimas:

      81309651-Supporting the economic inclusion of refugees and host communities in Kirehe District, Rwanda
      Nuorodos numeris: 81309651

    II.1.2) Pagrindinis BVPŽ kodas:

      80000000 Asmeninio ugdymo paslaugos ;

    II.1.3) Sutarties tipas:


    II.1.4) Trumpas aprašymas:

      Brief description of the project: The Multi-Donor Action "Dutere Intambwe - Improved self-reliance and self-determination of refugees and host population in Kirehe District, Rwanda" is jointly co-financed by the European Union (EU) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). It is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) as part of the BMZ project "Skills Development for Economic Transformation" (SD4T). SD4T is part of the BMZ Programme "Vocational training and sustainable growth for decent jobs". The overall objective of the Action is to contribute to provide a regional multi-sectoral response for durable solutions to the Burundian refugee crisis in five countries of the Great Lakes region. The specific objectives (SO) of the Action are: SO 1: Enhanced protection of Burundian refugees (women and men in all their diversity) in Kirehe District, Rwanda. SO 2: Strengthened resilience, empowerment and self-reliance of refugees (women and men in all their diversity) and communities hosting refugees. Within the scope of this assignment, the project requires technical expertise and support to implement the major part of the SO 2 of the EU Action, specifically Output 2.1: The access for Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in selected value-chains to Business Development Services in Mahama camp and surrounding host communities is improved; and Output 2.2: The active labour market measures offered in Mahama camp and surrounding host communities are enhanced in a gender-responsive manner.

    II.2) Aprašymas:

    II.2.1) Kitas (-i) šio pirkimo BVPŽ kodas (-ai):

      80000000 Švietimo ir mokymo paslaugos
      80570000 Asmeninio ugdymo paslaugos
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