Suomija – Pramoninės mašinos – "Finavia" - Informacijos prašymas - Helsinkio oro uosto orlaivių stovų oro kondicionavimo (PCA) sprendimai
Suomija – Pramoninės mašinos – "Finavia" - Informacijos prašymas - Helsinkio oro uosto orlaivių stovų oro kondicionavimo (PCA) sprendimai
I dalis: Perkančioji organizacija
I.1) Pavadinimas ir adresai:
pavadinimas: Finavia Oyj
Adresas: Lentäjäntie 3
Miestas: Vantaa
kodas: 01530
Šalis: Suomija
Interneto adresas (-ai):
Pagrindinis adresas:
II dalis: Objektas
II.1.1) Pavadinimas:
Finavia - Request for Information - Pre-Conditioned Air (PCA) solutions on aircraft stands for Helsinki Airport
Nuorodos numeris: 533659
II.1.2) Pagrindinis BVPŽ kodas:
Pramoninės mašinos
II.1.3) Sutarties tipas:
II.1.4) Trumpas aprašymas:
This is a Request for Information by Finavia for PCA , Pre-Conditioned Air, solutions on aircraft stands at Helsinki Airport.
This is an invitation for all potential PCA system suppliers to provide information of their PCA solutions. Finavia invites all potential suppliers with a solution for full production readiness to participate in this market survey.
Pre-Conditioned Air system for AC's are commonly use at the airports over the world. However, in Nordic countries and in Helsinki especially, the PCA systems are quite rare, but now Finavia Helsinki Airport has start to make market studying of the PCA solutions which are suitable for winter- as well to summer conditions at Nordic latitudes. With this Request for information, Finavia is looking for possible solutions which are cost effective to produce and operate on the aircraft stands. Total number of different Aircraft code stands are; 20 stands of C-Category (narrowbody, contact stands 12-32) and 20 stands of E-Category (widebody, contact stands W34-S55) stands.
Finavia wishes that following topics would be covered in your response to RFI:
1. Information of the PCA heating capabilities at different weather conditions, especially at very low temperatures as -25 degree celsius.
2. Information of primary energy connection for PCA? If in question is electric primary energy only, is there a load balance solution for energy supply available (for example integration with Ground Power Unit (GPU)).
3. Other possible primary energy solutions. Chilled/heated water/glycol solution. Are there solutions with liquid radiators for heating and cooling?
4. Average PCA energy consumption in hour at -25 celsius and +25 celsius outside temperatures (with C-category aircraft's).
5. Is there a possibility for an air-to-air heat pump for heating?
6. Handling of condensation water from PCA unit.
7. Connections to PBB, VDGS etc.
8. Information of the Hose Reel or Hose Retriever solutions if any.
9. Indicative pricing information and investment models of the solutions presented.
10. Suppliers' reference projects in Nordic airports.
11. Suppliers’ cooperation of with established PBB and GPU manufacturer(s).
Format of the response to this RFI is not restricted, and your response may contain multiple documents. Your response may contain for example product brochures, technical information sheets and written answers to topics presented earlier.
All responses are to be sent via email to Deadline for responses is 29.11.2024 16:00 (Helsinki time).
Based on the submitted replies, Finavia may invite selected suppliers to join in further discussion to go over their replies. Discussions will be conducted in English or Finnish.
Finavia kindly reminds all potential suppliers that this is not a procurement notification or an Invitation to Tender, but a market survey and a Request for Information. Finavia does not commit to carrying out the procurement. All information collected with the Request for Information is confidential and shall only be used for planning the concept. This Request for Information does not obligate Finavia to carry out any procurement or to take the received responses into consideration when compiling a possible Invitation to Tender. Responding to the Request for Information is not a prerequisite for participating in possible procurement and giving a response does not obligate or entitle the party giving the response to participate in the possible procurement.
Participating in this RFI will not be compensated.
Please contact for any questions regarding the RFI.
II.2) Aprašymas:
II.2.1) Kitas (-i) šio pirkimo BVPŽ kodas (-ai):
42000000 Pramoninės mašinos